For over 15 years, has become the largest casting industry B2B internet platform in China,which affiliated with Intercontinental Technology Co., Ltd., located in Shenyang City, China's heavy industry capital. We are leading and committed to linking suppliers and purchasers in the casting field, relying on the authoritative casting database of 50,000 manufacturers and 30,000 buyers in China, to provide purchasing inquiries and quotations. Through our system intelligent matching technology, we can quickly realize the quotation to meet the requirements of purchasing orders, and our industry professionals provide service support for each order. To fulfill our aim to "face to factory, safe and reliable" procurement platform. For enterprises to save costs, bring more benefits. We are recognized as a casting platform with innovative spirit ,truly, efficient and professional service. We focus on making industrial information spreading easier, accurate, effective, promoting the development of e-commerce in the casting foundry industry, and realizing business opportunities for customers and partners worldwide.